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Dec 25, 2018
Constitutionalism--Of its Virtues and Vices
Like all human artifacts, constitutions reflect the limits of the human mind, limits of foresight and of moral judgment.
Dec 12, 2018
Institutions + Theory
What we should really want is both institutions and theory--not only pure economic theory informed by the existence of specific institutions
Oct 13, 2018
Law & Politics as Meaning-making Activity
Symbolic behavior transforms mere instrumental behavior and is transformed by it...
Feb 27, 2018
Mental Models of Reality
They, like the rules they enjoin, are invested with considerable emotional meaning and therefore are believed for intrinsic reasons and not
Feb 26, 2018
There Xi Goes...
But if you want to get all structural-functional, Xi's power comes from his position as the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party in a
Jan 26, 2018
Nation, State, and Democracy
The society and, in a sense, the nation preceded the state without having to be created by it. In such a setting, political parties represen
Nov 15, 2017
Institutional Order and Change
The changes that occur are more likely to reflect local adaptation to local experience and thus be both relatively myopic and meandering, ra
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